Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dating Terbrugghens Works free essay sample

The following paper attempts to classify Terbrugghens art in terms of certain stylistic attributes which stand out to classify his art in three categories: Early Period, Middle Period and Late Period. The following paper attempts to date the works of Terbrugghen according to periods in his life. The paintings that are analyzed in the early period are Crowning with Thorns in Copenhagen (1620), Execution of St. John the Baptist in Edinburgh, and Christ at Emmaus in Potsdam. The works that are classified in his middle period are: Lazarus and the Rich Man in Utrecht (1625), Gamblers in New York (1623), and Boy Lighting his Pipe (1623), and finally the works analyzed in his late period are: Jacob, Laban, and Leah in Cologne (1628), The Concert in Leningrad (1626) and Backgammon Players in Sweden (1627). `The chief problem one faces in confronting Terbrugghens art is that of dating his work. The majority of his works are undated and dating them is difficult because Terbrugghen never had a set pattern. We will write a custom essay sample on Dating Terbrugghens Works or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You cannot set up a chronology because he was an artist, not a thinker, and, therefore, not one to proceed step by step in his works. Terbrugghen was never outstanding as an inventor of motifs but liked to pick up ideas from others and elaborate on them. Throughout his career he used ideas from other artists. He did not use any one artist as an influence in just one period of his work, but tended to use ideas of the same artist throughout his life. An example of this is the influence of Caravaggio that can be seen in some of his works throughout his lifetime as an artist.`

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